How To Get Started Freelancing From Basic To Professional

 Everyone is upset about freelancing. You have to have an account whether you have skills or not. After that, before the name again, Freelancer D is like that, Freelancer DJ is like that. Ah! It's all about Josh. However, let's get to the point. Today I will discuss from the very basics. So if you know the basics, you can ignore the post by scrolling. I hope it will come in handy if it is new.

How To Get Started Freelancing From Basic To Professional

Freelancer profile

After opening the ID in the freelancer, you must have verified the email and phone? Then come to the next step. Customize your profile based on the skills you will work with. If you think you want to work as a web developer, then I would suggest visiting some professional freelancer ID. Take ideas from all those IDs. But nothing will copy paste. It is normal to copy and paste. Because, we don't want to write anything. If you get it for free, copy and paste it 😛.


Now move to the bottom. When you scroll down, you can see that there is a place to add a portfolio. There you will add samples of your previous work. Be sure to try to detail what you worked on.
Write about what the project was related to If possible, add a link to the project. Now come to the bottom, you will find the review section. It's not for you right now. You will see this section after doing any work. Come down and see,

Experience section:

Write down what experiences you have here. Suppose you are a graphics designer then write graphics designer here and write how long you have been working with graphics.
Education: I said it or not? No, when I wrote about everything, what was the fault of it again?
Write here, where you have studied in your life and what degree you have finished. All right?


What are your qualifications? Fill them in the qualification. Write I mean: p. No need for publication at the moment. It will be seen later. Now overview your profile. If there is any error somewhere, fix it.

Now go to settings. Make sure your name and address are correct. Now upload your photo if you have your own profile. If you have a business profile, make the profile more beautiful by uploading the logo.

Stay tuned today. In the future, I will write details about projects, proposals, milestones. Stay tuned. All right? : / Then come like today.


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